Neptune, or Poseidon, says, in answer to a message
from Jupiter,
No vassal god, nor of his train am I.
Three brothers,
deities, from Saturn came,
And ancient
Rhea, earth's immortal dame;
by lot our triple rule we know;
Pluto sways the shades below:
O'er the
wide clouds, and o'er the starry plain
Jove extends his high domain;
My court
beneath the hoary waves I keep,
And hush
the roaring of the sacred deep.
Iliad, book
xviii. Atlantis Antideluvian world. ID.
school concerns itself with the development and fostering of the desire element and its graduates are called "the Sons of
Vishnu." Their symbol is a robe with a full sailed boat portrayed over the heart, the significance of which will be apparent
to those who have eyes to see. TCF 1179.
"The Atlanteans,
among the ancients, passed for the favorite children of Neptune; they made known the worship of this god to other nations-to
the Egyptians, for example. In other words, the Atlanteans were the first known navigators. Like all navigators, they must
have planted colonies at a distance. The Bretons, in our opinion, sprung from one of them."
Neptune was
Poseidon, according to Plato.
We know that
Plato did not invent the name of Poseidon, for the worship of Poseidon was universal in the earliest ages of Europe; "Poseidon-worship
seems to have been a peculiarity of all the colonies previous to the time of Sidon" ("Prehistoric Nations," p. 148.) This
worship "was carried to Spain, and to Northern Africa, but most abundantly to Italy, to many of the islands, and to the regions
around the Agean Sea; also to Thrace." (Ibid., p. 155.)
or Neptune, is represented in Greek mythology as a sea-god; but he is figured as standing in a war-chariot drawn by horses.
The association of the horse (a land animal) with a sea-god is inexplicable, except with the light given by Plato. Poseidon
was a sea-god because he ruled over a great land in the sea, and was the national god of a maritime people. Ibid.
To the question
of the realms of the worlds, one must point out that heavenly bodies can be part of a particular solar system or can be intersolar
bodies. AY 334.
Of Neptune
and Uranus, for instance, of which the ancients knew nothing, it is said. SD1 101.
orbit of Neptune includes apparently the entire ring-pass-not. TCF 207.
JC: A hint
as to the intersolar orbit of another system, being the lord of another extra systemic Chain, not allied to ours.
The true
Eastern Occultist will maintain that, whereas there are many yet undiscovered planets in our system, Neptune does not belong
to it, his apparent connection with our sun and the influence of the latter upon Neptune notwithstanding. This connection
is mayavic, imaginary, they say. SD1 102.
Let it be
stated that among the three secret orbs (or star-angels) neither Uranus nor Neptune entered; not only because they were unknown
under these names to the ancient Sages, but because they, as all other planets, however many there may be, are the gods and
guardians of other septenary chains of globes within our systems.
Nor do the
two last discovered great planets depend entirely on the Sun like the rest of the planets. Otherwise, how explain the fact
that Neptune receives 900 times less light than our Earth, and Uranus 390 times less, and that their satellites show a peculiarity
of inverse rotation found in no other planets of the Solar System. At any rate, what we say applies to Uranus, though recently
the fact begins again to be disputed. SD1 576.
Compare with:
Neptune has
an internal heat source -- it radiates more than twice as much energy as it receives from the Sun. Neptune receives so little
sunlight (only 3% of Jupiter's total). www.
The above
words of HPB duly inform us that Uranus and Neptune are the presiding gods, planetary logi, of septenary chains planets/globes
belonging to another solar system or system of globes other than ours. Ours deal explicitly with the solar evolution of the
Sun, the seven sacred planets and the remaining planetoids, our Earth included. Planetoids is a reference used by HPB in describing
the non-sacred planets.
Uranus and Neptune, this is quite exquisitely the intersolar elucidation as laid down by the Master Morya. Keep in mind brothers,
that this does not detract or infer any the less of the relations they both have upon our solar system, the great service
of synthesising, of reaping the solar and electric fires of this system. The influences also they each have on humanity. As
well, that August time each year when they distribute the focused "potent" energy from the undiscovered planet, those forces
from Leo and Aquarius. The Sirian energy also is distributed to our earth and humanity via Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.
We are told
that simultaneously as the first and second logi were occultly withdrawn from the moon chain, Neptune "arose over the horizon,"
indeed, at pre-lemurian times extending back into the distance of time it was not included and therefore had not taken up
its sacred task as divine visitor in association with this system. It seems that it took this role here at exactly the time
of the moons failure and transference of humanity from there to our earth.
Our inference
and line of thought might be, quite naturally, that Poseidon the logos, was called or drawn in for the explicit purpose of
aiding the Solar Logos, the "Shining Face" to stimulate the systemic atmosphere or solar tension as agent of SF, together
with the seven sacred brothers, for the making up of "lost time" incurred by the shining face, in his system due to the moon
chain failure. In fact we are told as much in that the system is being cleansed to off set the effects of Cosmic evil by the
free use of Solar fire for the speeding of evolution.
We might
suppose then that Neptune keeps the waters of life, Christ consciousness, which for express purposes was needed for the stimulation
of infant humanity, indeed required to oversee the Initiation of the Christ consciousness and governs the second initiation
for instance of spiritually developing mankind. Christ and Neptune in certain ways are personified as identical. There was
a great worship of Poseidon and Neptune over the Atlantean civilisation.
We should
recall that without Uranus, Neptune's work would not be possible. Uranus is the home of fire electric, and likely "arose over
the horizon" at a similar time relatively speaking, if his connection with Sol is as imaginary as is Neptune's. HPB makes
clear that both receive very little light, 390 x and 900 x less than Earth respectively. This is an undeniable indicator that
they are both not at all dependent on Sol for light or energy physical or mystical, as are the other planets. Even so Neptune
radiates into this system over 2 x the energy it receives from the sun even as modern science understands the matter. It seems
a precise statement inferring that both receive light from another system altogether!
Uranus and
Neptune are as one, "the kingdom of souls" in contrast to Mercury and Sol being one, and therefore receiving seven times more
light than any other planet, or Venus, being Sol's storehouse and receiving a "triple Supply" distributing one third to earth,
and thus indicating their true reliance and allegiance to the Sun.
In fact in
the heading verse of this paper, dedicated to Neptune, we find some very interesting and occult hints given us by Ignatius
Donnelly, so often used in the SD. This is taken from Atlantis Antediluvian World and from an old text as Neptune replying
to Jupiter. "No vassal god, nor of his train am I." I submit that in reply to Jupiter, Neptune sternly indicates his un-tied
relation to this system and his actual allegiance to another "train" or system/septenary chain and Hierarchy of staff, and
who is un-touched by the karma brought by the brothers from Saturn.
With regard
to Neptune’s moons, so called. Master KH informs us that actually they are planets in the formative stage and in obscuration
or pralaya. This throws a different light on the "planet" Triton! JPC.
any other planets besides those known to modern astronomy (I do not mean mere planetoids) be discovered by physical instruments
if properly directed?
They must
be. Not all of the Intra-Mercurial planets, nor yet those in the orbit of Neptune are yet discovered, though they are strongly
suspected. We know that such exist and where they exist; and that there are innumerable planets "burnt out" they say, -- in
obscuration we say; -- planets in formation and not yet luminous, etc. But then "we know" is of little use to science, when
the Spiritualists will not admit our knowledge. KH Letters.
Neptune's Satellites:
Neptune has 13 known moons; 7 small named ones and Triton plus four discovered in 2002 and one discovered in
2003 which have yet to be named.
Distance Radius Mass
Satellite (000 km)
(km) (kg)
Discoverer Date
--------- -------- ------ ------- ---------- -----
48 29
? Voyager 2
Thalassa 50 40 ? Voyager 2 1989
Despina 53 74
? Voyager 2
Galatea 62 79
? Voyager 2
Larissa 74 96
? Voyager 2
Proteus 118 209 ? Voyager 2 1989
Triton 355 1350 2.14e22 Lassell 1846
5509 170
? Kuiper
This subject
will, of course, be considered mere vagary by all those who confuse the universal order of being with their own systems of
classification. Here, however, simple facts from Occult teachings are stated, to be either accepted or rejected, as the case
may be. SD1 575.
does not really belong to our system, in spite of its apparent connection with the Sun. The connection is imaginary." (S.D.
Vol. I, 129, Note)
the secret orbs or star Angels... Neptune was not included." (S.D. Vol. I, 629)
The enumeration
of the chains and of the schemes as given in the two charts is entirely for the present, and covers a period comparatively
recent, carrying forward the history of evolution to the middle of the next round in our chain. Had we been given the charts
embracing pre-Lemurian days, and extending back a distance into the (humanly speaking) unfathomable past, we would have seen
the moon chain portrayed with the Neptune chain omitted. TCF 414.
The moon
chain is in process of disappearance, and only a decaying body is left; the life of the second and the first Logos has been
withdrawn from it, and only the latent life of matter itself remains.
Neptune arose over the horizon, and took its place as one of the seven manifesting chains of the planetary Logos. We are here
dealing with the Neptune chain of the earth scheme. TCF 415.
Uranus and
Beyond these
two distant planets, lies another planet as yet undiscovered, though speculation is rife about it, owing to certain unexplained
movements of the planet Neptune. It is through this planet that the Forces (as they are related to Leo and Aquarius) are focused
in one potent stream of force; these pour into our planetary life during the month of August, and distribute themselves, via
Uranus and Neptune.
The undiscovered planet.
Uranus and Neptune.
The human Hierarchy.
The animal Kingdom.EA 308.
Neptune is
known esoterically as the Initiator. In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator,
Christ, is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation
and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age. The formula runs as follows, speaking esoterically: "... the fish goddesses who have
leapt from earth (Virgo) to water (Pisces) untidily give birth to the Fish God (Christ) who introduces the water of life into
the ocean of substance and thus brings light to the world. Thus does Neptune work." This is, however, a great mystery, revealed
only at the time of the second initiation in which the control of the fluidic astral plane is demonstrated. EA 220.
Uranus -
Occult consciousness or that intelligent, fusing condition which produces the scientific at-one-ment of the two factors, higher
and lower self, through the intelligent use of the mind.
Neptune -
Mystical consciousness or that innate sensitivity which leads unerringly to the higher vision, to the recognition of the interrelation
involved in man's essential duality during the process of manifestation, plus the activity of the mediator. EA 307.
Esoteric Astrology - Appendix - Suggestions for Students:
The Planet
Neptune. References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.
is the God of reasoning." (S.D. Vol. II, 840)
influences our entire solar system psychically via the three synthesizing schemes -Uranus, Neptune and Saturn." (C.F. 378)
is a peculiar group of Beings connected with a certain constellation and the lesser Dragon who have their habitat on Neptune
and work with the sixth principle in the solar system." (C.F. 534)
Law of Sacrifice and Death is... in a mysterious way the reverse of the first law, that of Vibration. It is Vulcan and Neptune
in opposition which is as yet an almost incomprehensible thing to us." (C.F. 597)
man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicle until he comes under the influence of Neptune... When this happens, his personality
horoscope will show this influence as dominant." (C.F. 899)
Neptunian scheme governs one of the three paths of return and gathers to itself eventually all those egos who attain primarily
through handling sixth ray energy." (C.F. 899)
-Presides over and makes possible the 2nd initiation. Is one of the major synthesizing planets. Is an absorbing or abstracting
planet. Is connected with the perfecting process." (C.F. 899)
and Neptune are reflections of the logoic mental and astral permanent atoms. TCF 406.
Neptune is
looked upon as the repository of the "solar flames," and Uranus as the home of "fire electric." TCF 1154.
The blood
stream is governed by Neptune. EH 143.
The Voyager
2 flyby in 1989 revealed strong winds (Like a typical gas planet, Neptune has rapid winds confined to bands of latitude and
large storms or vortices. Neptune's winds are the fastest in the solar system, reaching 2000 km/hour.), bright, high-altitude
clouds, and two large dark spots attributed to long-lived giant storm systems. Tracking of these features indicated wind speeds
as large as 730 miles per hour.
Because Neptune
receives so little sunlight (only 3% of Jupiter's total), it was expected to be somewhat less active than the other giant
planets. Yet Neptune's atmosphere showed itself to be surprisingly dynamic, with winds blowing westward, opposite the direction
of rotation, at more than 1,200 miles an hour - faster than winds on any other planet. Neptune's winds are not very turbulent,
so less energy is needed to maintain their high speeds. www.
school concerns itself with the development and fostering of the desire element and its graduates are called "the Sons of
Vishnu." Their symbol is a robe with a full sailed boat portrayed over the heart, the significance of which will be apparent
to those who have eyes to see. TCF 1179.
major scheme over which Neptune presides forms a systemic triangle of great interest for esoteric astrologers with the sixth
scheme and one other. This is symbolized in the three pronged trident which the god Neptune is always portrayed as holding,
the prongs being literally the symbolic triangles connected with each other by three lines of force.
This planet
has also a vital relation to the sixth logoic principle, or Buddhi, and therefore the sixth principle of man. No man begins
to coordinate the buddhic vehicles until he comes under Neptunian influence in some life or another. TCF 899.
August 2005.